Silae HR
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Silae (file export)

Simplify and enrich your payroll and Human Resources management
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Silae + Factorial Integration

Manage your payroll supplements in Factorial and export a file specifically formatted for SILAE payroll software. The supplements & absences file can be automatically imported into your SILAE payroll software easily, avoiding hours and hours of retyping supplements.

What is Silae?

Silae is an integrated payroll platform that provides digital and innovative solutions to simplify and enrich your payroll and HR management

What is this integration about?

If you or your accountant use SILAE as payroll software, it is possible to avoid re-entry. Indeed, you will be able to export a file (in .csv format) including absences and variable pay items, then import it directly to Silae to pre-fill the pay slips.

What data will be synchronized?

  • Absences
  • Variable pay items

What’s the benefit of it?

  • Pre-fill payslips
  • Avoid duplicates with precision
  • Single data entry
  • Assurance of data compatibility